Daily Area Rug Care
By establishing a care and maintenance routine for your area rug, you can help guarantee that it ages well over time. Below you will find recommended maintenance techniques for your area rug.
The first step in area rug care is obtaining a quality vacuum and putting it to use regularly. By vacuuming up your rug, you are working to remove dirt, dust, and other debris that are present in the fibers. Said debris can cause damage to the fibers. The amount of vacuuming necessary will depend on the foot traffic in the room(s) in question but expect to be vacuuming at least once a week.
You should also place walking mats at the entrances of your home and always remove shoes before walking on your area rug.
Spills & Stains
Much like carpets, area rugs are susceptible to damage from spills and stains. But just because a mess occurs, it doesn't necessarily mean the end of your area rug. If a liquid accident happens, the key is to act fast to avoid long-term damage. Grab a cloth and absorb the liquid before dabbing at the stain with another cloth submerged in cold water. From there, you can decide if you need to use a manufacturer-approved cleaning solution.
Area Rug Pads
Area rug pads add comfort underfoot while working to keep your rug in place. You can learn more about the benefits of rug pads and what we offer today.
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